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Won 1st prize at HackUTA 2023: Best use of Streamlit

A Streamlit web app that employs OpenAI's advanced API technology to facilitate fast and accurate searching of PDF/CSV files by allowing users to upload files, input OpenAI API keys, and ask relevant questions, with answers being displayed on the app's interface.


The Multi-Layer Network dashboard offers users comprehensive visualization of network graphs and community detection with interactive features for gaining deeper insights.

Demo Poster

Auto YT (YouTube transcript analyzer)

Auto_YT is an Artificial Intelligence tool that utilizes the transcript generated from a YouTube video URL to provide responses to the user's inquiries.


Operating System Modules

This section contains detailed work on several essential Operating System Modules, These crucial components for modern operating systems are: mshShell, File System, Fractal (parallel image processing), and Arena Allocator



An AI-powered language detection and translation tool that utilizes OpenAI API key provided by the user to deliver accurate translations. This innovative tool is capable of detecting languages on its own and offering translations in real-time, making it an indispensable asset for multilingual communication.
